~ A Collection of Links I'd like to Share ~

My Top 5 Favorite Artist!


Name Description
Cotono: Maker of some of the cutest drawings ever.
Happyholidays98: Funky, colorful, tasty art. TOP TIER. Good lines, good colors.
Jinx88kc: Fun, cartoony, neon.
Kinako: Come here for sexy people. They got boys in bunny suits :]
An animations of a round, blue creature with yellow sclera smiling. It is holding a sign that reads Malas influencias in all caps.

Malas Influencias:

The Site of Groovy. Filled with excellent orignal art and fan art. Endlessley creative. They are one of my favorite artist so please pay their site a visit!

Oharu: Beautiful paintings that you have to see for yourself. Their drawings of people in Kimono are my favorite. Good patterns and textures.
Ono Yuko: They make beautiful paintings with a mythical and fantastical feel. They feel like they should come from the museum of a country that doesn't exist.
Rika: You need to just see their art. I tend not to like super detailed art but theirs is always visually interesting. Go to see insanly funky character designs.
Ruka Ito: One of my favorite artist. I find their art both cute and refreshing. Mascot like character design, beautiful colors, fun animation, and detailed illustration. Someone to check out.
Tansaiboooo: Slightly macabre art is a simple and cute style.
Yudori: Good at both painting and cartooning. Nice social commentary. She also posts comics on Lezhin. Pandora's choice is fantastic!
Yukie Shiratori: Cute art done extremely well.


Name Description
Sakura Sawa: They're a BL artist who draws men in ye olde Japan, shaved heads and all. I think even her lines have great erotic appeal. <3


J-Rock Fan



Name Description
Ayuzus: A cute petite man that post photos of himself in underwear and occasionally costumes. Has an entire photo book of himself for artist reference.
Empty Movement: An AMAZING site for all things Utena. They have an archive of art relating to the series as well as their own writing about it. If you're a fan of the series please cheack it out.